Episode 12 – Susan

Susan B. Steen (Molly’s co-host, mother-in-law, and friend)

The first thing Susan wants people to know about her is that she loves people. A humanist at the core, she loves meeting people, knowing people, and values relationships. She explores creativity through her writing and photography and love of rearranging furniture. A daughter, a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law,, a sister, and a friend,she is happiest when she is laughing and crying with her family, many of them chosen. Laughing, hiking, photographing, and podcasting with Molly encompass her favorite things with one of her favorite people. 

Creating More Podcast Season 2, Episode 1

You can read Susan’s writing in the Mainstreet Media paper in towns throughout middle Tennessee, where she writes about life and people and the joys and struggles we need to be talking about more often with each other. You can see some of her photography in 52Frames, an international community of photographers she is proud to help lead. Though she’s only been there seven years, the project has been going strong for eleven, and she thinks everyone should spend at least one “52 weeks” exploring their creative side through the lens of the camera,phone cameras work great!

Writing a book, speaking to groups, and learning other languages are on her list of things to do in the coming years, but she’ll be pretty happy hanging out with the people she loves and working to strengthen her bones and brain.

Rapid Fire:

Elizabeth Gilbert- Big Magic
Waking Life (Movie)
Andrew Huberman- Power of Play Podcast
Charles Bukowski Quote: “To do a dangerous thing with style is art”
Bansky Art
Favorite Writer: Brene Brown
Favorite Photographers: Annie Leibovitz, Cindy Sherman, Dorothy Lange, Pep Ventosa

Quotes to consider from this episode:

“I started writing about things that people don’t talk about.”
“Art is anything the moves the spirit.”
“Art is anything we create that creates feeling.”

Creating More
Creating More
Episode 12 - Susan

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